AMF Bowling
Completed at Designworks
Creative Direction Clinton Duncan
Design Ali Ozden & Jerome Lousick
Illustration Mike Witcombe
Following a strategic review, Ardent Leisure Group realized its AMF brand was in need of a refresh. While well known, the brand had lost its relevance. A tired brand identity and in-centre experience didn’t help.
We helped AMF rediscover its reason for being: to be the place for good old-fashioned fun. This thought guided a reimagining of their brand, organized around a simple yet joy filled idea: Rediscover Funtopia.
With such a playful brand platform, our design team was free to explore, imagine and tinker; creating vibrant imaginary worlds where hot dogs become hot air balloons, icicles are made from icy poles and everything is lickable, touchable and playable. We developed a bright colour palette, whacky, over the top illustration style, new tone of voice and internal culture framework designed to fire the imagination.